
Monday, March 16, 2015

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

The invention of the transistor started in 1947 at AT&T Bell Laboratories.

William Shockley, John Bardeen  and Walter Brattain.

Early 1960s, the integrated-circuit (IC) was introduced and rapidly became the most powerful semiconductor industry ever in the 21st century. We did it! They did it!

It was predicted that by 2002, billion components will be integrated " onto single-piece of silicon having an area of one-square centimeter (1-Gb DRAM)!" They did it once again. By S. Wolf (microchip manufacturing)

How was it possible by prediction in 2001?

Everyone used electronic devices. People, you, me, love electronics devices simply because we used them everywhere and at all the time.

Examples: Computers, Telephones, Telecommunications-equipment, Cars, Street-Lights are made of integrated circuits which mainly used transistors.

Flash back 1: What is a transistor?

:Image result for what is a transistorImage result for what is a transistor
  1. transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.

Flash back 2: What is electricity?

Electricity is the flow of electron. That 's it! You should know that the electricity that we used every day is a second source of energy. Note that the transformation of the first source of energy such as coal, solar energy and other produce electricity.

Guess what nowOn most modern microprocessors, the majority of transistors are contained in caches. As of 2015 [update], the highest transistor count in a commercially available CPU is over 4.3 billion transistors, in Intel's 15-core Xeon IvyBridge-EX.

circuit board with a 4×4 array of SyNAPSE-developed chips. Built on 28 nm process technology, each chip using 5.4 billion transistors.

What do you think now?

This is just the beginning! 
The evolution of transistors have been such a great success and will remain for long time.

Thanks for reading. 
Be part of something great.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

What is a jar file? How to open it?

Your Quick Fact:

The word: " Jar " stands for Java Archive.

This type of file contains: images, sounds, class files that is often compressed into one single file which is used primarily to distribute java applications and libraries.


A jar file or (.jar) is a type of file with extension .jar that is used in by java.

A jar file is programming language developed and released on the www (World-Wide-Web) in 1995 by the Giant company Sun Mycrosystems.

How to open a Jar file or .jar file ? 

The jar file are file that are compressed or zip file. They contains other small files that can be open by using a decompression software, such as an unzip utility. Examples: 
7-Zip , WinRar , WinZip , OpenZip.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to add fade-in and Fade-out effect to html slideshow in notepad?

 Difficulty: Easy for everyone.


You can download images here:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Intro to iPhone 6 & 6 plus.

" Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
- Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

" The best and most advanced phone on the planet. "
- smwebone Team

Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to add images and links to a navigation menu in html

 Difficulty: Easy for everyone.

Watch Step by Step Video Instruction:

Download Images here:
Image 1:


Image 3:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Internet explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts orActiveX controls.

How to fix this issue?

What is ActiveX controls:
ActiveX controls are small apps that allow websites to provide content such as videos and games. They also let you interact with content like toolbars and stock tickers when you browse the web. However, these apps can sometimes malfunction, or give you content that you don't want. source...
Step to fix it:
Follow the steps below to allow ActiveX content.
1. Open Internet Explorer , go to Tools >> Internet Options
2. Click on Advanced Tab and scroll down to find the Security section.
3. Enable the checkbox labeled “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer” and “Allow Active Content from CDs to run on My Computer”.

4. Click Ok, close Internet Explorer and restart it, after restart you will not see any ActiveX warning when you play any active content like flash animations, JavaScript menus on web pages etc. source...

Thanks and Hope it helps.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

how to create a slideshow with notepad

I recently created a series of video in how to create different slideshow with THREE different software.

In Notepad -> Watch the video on YouTube
In Photoshop -> Watch the video on YouTube
In Bridge CS6 -> Watch the video on YouTube
Step 1:
You need to create a new  folder on Desktop:  right click + New -> choose folder -> name your folder

 Hope this was helpful

Friday, February 14, 2014

Adobe Captivate could not open -How to fix it


                  I am using Adobe Captivate 7.

                  DO NOT be frustrated by this issue because you still have some HOPE.
                  Why? Well, while i was creating a tutorial video in how to create an image slideshow                                     with notepad, suddenly my PC stop working and shutdown.

                  After while, i started my computer back again and was tried to open my recording file
                  and it wont open because the file got corrupt!

THIS IS HOW I FIX THE ISSUE:  watch the video here

Hope this was helpful! Thanks

Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is Radio waves?

Radio waves: The longest wavelengths with lowest frequency

QWhat it the electromagnetic spectrum?
AThe Electromagnetic spectrum or EM spectrum is the vast range of all different types of electromagnetic radiation. The EM waves have the same vibrations but at a different frequencies.
Here are the graphical representation:

QWhat is the historical discovery?

In 1864, a Scottish theoretical physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell (June 13,1831- November,1879) established the famous equations that bear his name and include the laws of electrostatics and magnetism.

His theory of electromagnetism  is the basis of current designs.
Maxwell's Law of Unification

In 1886, a German Physicist, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz demonstrated the existence of radio waves.

Here are Hertz Equation:
Frequency = (wave speed in m/s) / wavelength λ in m) or  f = λ

Time = 1 / Frequency or = 1 / f

The unit  hertz (Hz) was once called cps = cycle per second

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found - How to fix it

The page your are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map

How to fix it:
1.  Add a handler
2.  Add MIME map

Go to START ->
Default Programs ->
Programs and Features ->
Turn Windows ON or OFF ->
Internet Information Services ->
World Wide Web Services ->
Application Development Features -> and Check ASP.NET

Hope this is helpful!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Electricity and Magnetism

Electricity and Magnetism: The importance

          Electricity and Magnetism have been around from the beginning, the beginning of all time.
Electricity and Magnetism are both related. They are everywhere  around us from your telephone, microphone, electric light, automobile, light, radio, computers, planes, planes, train...
Lighting is an electromagnetism phenomenon. The earth itself is rotating around its axis create an electromagnetism.
To be short, they will not be life without an electromagnetism phenomenon.

Q: What is electricity and how it all started?
Around 600 B.C, ancient Greeks discovered that the amber could attract other objects such as wool when rubbed against each other. This phenomenon demonstrated that materials like amber can be charge and discharge. The word "electric" is derived from the Greek word "elektron", meaning amber

Q: How Electricity and Magnetism are related?

                  Electromagnetism is a very important concept to understand.

to be continued....