The invention of the transistor started in 1947 at AT&T Bell Laboratories.
William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain.
William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain.
Early 1960s, the integrated-circuit (IC) was introduced and rapidly became the most powerful semiconductor industry ever in the 21st century. We did it! They did it!
It was predicted that by 2002, billion components will be integrated " onto single-piece of silicon having an area of one-square centimeter (1-Gb DRAM)!" They did it once again. By S. Wolf (microchip manufacturing)
How was it possible by prediction in 2001?
Everyone used electronic devices. People, you, me, love electronics devices simply because we used them everywhere and at all the time.
Everyone used electronic devices. People, you, me, love electronics devices simply because we used them everywhere and at all the time.
Examples: Computers, Telephones, Telecommunications-equipment, Cars, Street-Lights are made of integrated circuits which mainly used transistors.
Flash back 1: What is a transistor?
Flash back 1: What is a transistor?
- A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.
Flash back 2: What is electricity?
Electricity is the flow of electron. That 's it! You should know that the electricity that we used every day is a second source of energy. Note that the transformation of the first source of energy such as coal, solar energy and other produce electricity.
Guess what now: On most modern microprocessors, the majority of transistors are contained in caches. As of 2015 [update], the highest transistor count in a commercially available CPU is over 4.3 billion transistors, in Intel's 15-core Xeon IvyBridge-EX.

A circuit board with a 4×4 array of SyNAPSE-developed chips. Built on 28 nm process technology, each chip using 5.4 billion transistors.
What do you think now?
This is just the beginning!
The evolution of transistors have been such a great success and will remain for long time.
Thanks for reading.
Be part of something great.
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